Exhaust Tower Design On Powerships
Research Article
P: 21-38
January 2018

Exhaust Tower Design On Powerships

J Nav Archit Mar Technol (JNAMT) 2018;2018(211):21-38
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Establishing a basic and general criterion for the design of foundations depending on the type of supported equipment would be important by means of settling a standard for the applied work and weight saving by selecting the right profiles. A model design is performed by SAP2000 program, which is developed based upon finite element method, for the biggest foundation encountered on a floating energy central.

This structure, which is called exhaust tower, is designed to carry and support the equipment of exhaust system located on the main deck. Structure's own weight, supported equipment and wind loads are taken into account while working on its design and three different scenarios with different wind loads are examined. In consequence of these examinations the model is analyzed for its convenience and the results of three scenarios are compared. By making iterative refinements, a structure of minimum weight within the limits of safe zone, is tried to be created.