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January 2024


J Nav Archit Mar Technol (JNAMT) 2024;2024(225):0-0
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Dear Colleagues and Readers,

We are happy to introduce seven research articles. The subject areas of the articles are damping ship roll motion using a passive rolling tank, examining ship boiler malfunctions, ivestigating supplier selection factors in shipyards, a study based on model experiments on a wave energy converter, violations of maritime conventions during ship accidents, investigating vortex-induced vibrations in cylinders, reducing the carbon footprint of ships. We would like to thank the authors, referees and journal staff for their valuable contributions.

As Ship and Marine Technology journal, we would like to inform you about the events related to maritime technologies that we have followed in the last six month period. The 13th Ship and Yacht Design competition organized by the Ship, Yacht and Services Exporters Association has been launched, the participants will compete to design a fishing vessel to be operated in Turkish seas and oceans. The design length of fishing vessel is minimum 40 m, vessel type may be factory fishing, carrying live fish, trawling or purse seiner[1]. The important scientific event of the last six months is the 5th Global Maritime Congress, organized by Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty and TMMOB Turkish Chamber of Marine Engineering Engineers, was held in Tuzla on 20-21 May 2024[2]. Another event PER-CON B2B, was held in Istanbul on 20-21 May 2024, with the main support of GISBİR[3]. At the event, supplier companies met buyers composed by shipyards, shipowners and ship operators by scheduling B2B meetings. The 8th Mare Forum was held in Tuzla on 22 May 2024[4]. A panel titled looking to the Future within the Framework of EU Emission Trading System Applications was held on Wednesday, May 15, in cooperation with KOSDER and Alpha Marine Turkey[5].

The 3rd International Ship and Marine Technology Congress, organized by TMMOB GMO, will be held in Trabzon, co-organized and hosted by Karadeniz Technical University, on 10-12 December 2024[6].

New legislative applications and developments in the world agenda of ship and marine technology further increase the importance of cooperation and communication. We would be pleased to publish your scientific and professional articles in our journal.

We hope to meet you in our December issue.

Saygılarımızla / Regards.

GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology

1. https://www.gemiyattasarim.org/TR/Yarisma/Sartname.aspx

2. www.globalmaritime.org

3. https://perconmeets.com/en-US/buyers

4. https://www.mareforum.com/events/8th-mare-forum-istanbul

5. https://kosder.org/portfolio-item/kosder-ve-alpha-marine-consulting-turkeyden-eu-ets-semineri/

6. https://www.gmoshipmar.com/